Thursday, April 4, 2013

Discussion Questions

1.) Do you think that the grandfather knew he was getting sick?

2.) Do you think Matilda will ever make it home?

3.) How long do you think the grandfather has to live?

4.) Do you think Matilda and her grandfather will get sick from drinking from the river?

5.) What do you think the cause of Matilda passing out was?


  1. 1.) Do you think that the grandfather knew he was getting sick?

    I think that there might be a possibility that he was sick but he probably thought that all the coughing was just from him being old.

    2.) Do you think Matilda will ever make it home?

    I don't think that she will make it home because chances are she will get sick before she is half way there.

    3.) How long do you think the grandfather has to live?

    I think that the grandfather will die sooner than Matilda expects. Matilda thinks that the grandfather will get stronger and doesn't believe he actually has yellow fever but it is obvious he does.

    4.) Do you think Matilda and her grandfather will get sick from drinking from the river?

    I think that they might get a bit sick but not that much.

    5.) What do you think the cause of Matilda passing out was?

    I think the "raspberries" but have been poisonous or maybe it was the water. It may possibly just have been heat stroke because Matilda did say that it was really hot where she was.

  2. 1.) I think that the grandfather knew he was getting sick when he felt hot and week. When he felt that Mattie knew to find water and get him some cool shade.

    2.) I think she will make it home. Mattie will probably end up getting sick but her grandfather might find help for them and they will treat them.

    3.) I think that he will have few days to find help and then he will be rehidrated and be fine.

    4.) I don't think that will get sick because she learned how to look for clean water like a soldier from her grandfather.

    5.) I think she felt hungry, confused and thirsty.
